It’s no secret that technology has been at the forefront in driving change and innovation to the agricultural sector, to help farmers improve efficiencies on their farms.  

As a grower, I embrace the adoption of such technologies knowing first hand how overwhelming life on the farm can be, with increased workload and responsibilities. 

Listed below are some 6 farming apps (in no particular order) that can help farmers with their farm management, data, sales and access to markets. 

Recently launched Axl, is a platform that allows farmers to access mechanisation on demand through a community of quality-rated equipment service providers (dealers, equipment owners and contractors) across South Africa. Users are charged a fee per transaction on the platform. So if you are a farmer that does not possess farming equipment and implements, then you might consider trying out this app. 

DigiAg is an app that allows the farmer to digitally manage their farm by setting boundaries of their fields, recording information such as pests, crops, rainfall, staff activities etc. It also connects farmers to agricultural advisors that can provide expert advise on advanced data-driven services that will help increase yields, improve efficiencies, reduce risk and ensure long term sustainability. The app is free to use and is available on Apple and Android. 

The Aerobotics app allows farmers to early detect unwanted pests and diseases through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and drone imagery. The app is primarily targeted towards orchard and tree crop growers who have the option to sign onto the web-based platform or download the app on their mobile devices. The option to test the platform is free however a fee is charged per drone flight requested. 

For the livestock farmer, SwiftVee is a platform that helps farmers find and view livestock auctions. Farmers can trade their livestock, view sales and request multiple quotes from livestock agents and agencies across various regions. The app is available on both Apple and Android and also supports live webcast auctions and silent auctions. 

Khula enables bulk buyers (food processors, packhouses, distributors) to directly procure from growing emerging and small scale farmers through the app. Khula is free to use and has a listing of over 3000 vetted farmers producing crops ranging from vegetables, fruit, herbs and nuts. Also available on the platform is a marketplace for farmers to source agricultural inputs. 

Tillo. app helps farmers record, retrieve and share information relevant to their farms. The information on the app is available in real-time and provides full control and visibility of farm data, tasks as well as the team. The app is also free to use and is available on Google and App store.

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